Life of Stars

knew about the stars and their life where it born and they are destroyed

let to know about this topics

The definition of stars is easy " a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions" where any object who follow this thing are called as star.
Every one know our sun is also a Star. person who watching Stars are not only curious about star also for life to accomplish any life.

Stars are formed in clouds of gas and dust, known as nebula. Nuclear reaction at the core of stars provides enough energy to make them shine brightly for many years. 
than their life period are depends on their size
The exact lifetime of a star depends very much on its size. Very large, massive stars burn their fuel much faster than smaller stars and may only last a few hundred thousand years. Smaller stars, however, will last for several billion years, because they burn their fuel much more slowly.

Average star

where it is a normal star who has normal size, it forms from nebula where it has small in size as in seen in the upper image shows their conversions to a average star to become to red giant. The stellar nebula are condensed than make with their energy make a stars where who has low energy it make a average star

Massive star 

where it is a large star who has large energy and larger in size, they early changed into the red Supergiant where it massive energy and destroyed fast as compare to the average star.
It also made from the stellar nebula who has more energy.

Red Giant & Red Supergiant

A very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature. Red giants are thought to be in a late stage of evolution when no hydrogen remains in the centre to fuel nuclear fusion.
So, unlike red giant, red supergiant are simply bright, red stars. It so happens that they may be in the same evolutionary state, but it is also possible that they have moved on. 
Red giants engulf some of their close-orbiting planets. In the sun's case, this will mean the fiery end of all the inner planets of our Solar System, which might also include the Earth; but don't worry, this won't happen for another 5,000,000,000 years.
difference between both is in their size and in energy
While the atmosphere of the star grows, its core shrinks due to gravity. Temperatures and pressures in the middle increase until the conditions are right for nuclear fusion to start again, but this time using helium as a fuel, rather than hydrogen.

Planetary Nebula

A Planetary Nebula is an expanding, glowing shell of hot gas (plasma) that is cast off towards the end of a low-mass star's life. Despite the name, they have nothing to do with planets, and were so named because early astronomers thought they looked a bit like planets through a small telescope.
When Red Giant are blast than it made a planetary nebula.
Low-mass star turn into planetary nebulae towards the end of their red giant phase. At that point the star becomes highly unstable and starts to pulsate. The outer layers are ejected by the resulting stellar winds. Planetary nebula are relatively short-lived, and last just a few tens of thousands of years.


A Supernova is the spectacular explosion of a high-mass star that has come to the end of its life. For a brief time, a supernova can shine as brightly as an entire galaxy, but will fade again over a matter of days.
when the Red Supergiant are blasted than supernova are seen.
The explosion occurs when a high-mass star finally runs out of nuclear fuel, Without any outward pressure to balance the inward force of gravity, the outer layers of the star collapse onto the core, and are then dramatically expelled in a nuclear explosion, at a velocity of up to 30,000 km/s. The resulting shock wave creates an expanding shell of gas and dust called a supernova remnant.

White Dwarf

A White dwarf is the remaining compact core of a low-mass star that has come to the end of its life period following a planetary nabula event. They are thought to make up roughly 6% of all known stars in the Sun's.
our Sun is a white dwarf
White dwarfs are made of highly compressed carbon and oxygen material, and are so dense that their mass is comparable to that of the sun, even though their size is similar to that of the Earth's. A matchbox of white dwarf material would weigh the same as fifteen elephants.

Neutron star


Neutron star is the incredibly compact core that remains after a supernova event.
When a high-mass star comes to the end of its life period, its outer layers collapse onto the core, compressing material to the point where the atoms are smashed apart, leaving only neutrons - sub-atomic particles with no electric charge.
The outer layers are then ejected in a super-massive explosion, leaving a rapidly spinning neutron star behind. Some neutron stars have been found to rotate at several hundred times a second.

Black hole

A Black hole is a region of space time where gravity is so strong that nothing even particles or electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform space time to form a black hole.

Black hole is an object that is so dense because of its gravity, that has powerful strong gravitation field nothing can pass form it, ability to absorb all matter which have low amount of mass, where it means who has any amount have mass which can affected by black hole.

it is limit if our knowledge, we don't know what will be happen next, we gives some theories but where we give a low knowledge base theory are often not useful for their future.

Thanks for reading 
from :- $tudent_of_Science

Also read my another blog about black hole

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and this also

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